Your Caribbean House

From only $39,500

Yes an amazing price,and what is it like? How we do it for the money!!

My original sketch of House
Became this....with 4 large double doors on the terrace
Planning was granted on a 1 bed,1bath,large living/dining open plan
The house is being constructed on a reversed 2 bedroom version
Caribbean 1640 sq ft stilted home
A full 360 sq ft deck,with 4 double doors to the house
Bedroom 1...showing bathroom off and cupboards.

Here is how we can do it for you -


During our time here we have been meeting a number of Expats and Locals and sharing their experiences.At the same time we have been researching local house building . We have collected names and telephone numbers of all the tradesmen and professionals that people have been using locally. We have visited lot sites with buildings at various stages of construction. We watched listened and discussed with all concerned. We witnessed the joys and disasters of all that we observed. Our discussions included a range of architects,carpenters,plumbers,builders, roofers together with visiting the lumber yards.Completing the cycle of discussions with the customers themselves,noting who they recommended and who they didn't.


The result is a team of tradesmen that complete every aspect of house construction. The construction techniques are sometimes somewhat unique but compliment the local conditions and weather. We think that this combined with British and American knowhow and we've got a good combination.

So how can it be done at the price - during our research we have found a team of indian builders that build the basic house. There is a team of 4 tradesmen that build the supports,platform and house framing for the stilted house. The construction is of local hardwood called nisboro (like steel).Another group of tradesmen complete the external building and roofing. Whilst others specialise in drywall,tiling,plumbing etc.

This combined with a number of houses being built by lot owners.


The price is for a house of 1650 square feet including 360 sq ft decking. A wooden stilted house constructed of local and central american timber. It is 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and open plan living room kitchen/dining room area. The plan allows for modification of the internal partitioning.

This web site contains more pictures of a house build. This is a unique offer only available through this website and the Bravo Center in Bocas del Toro.


The price of $39,500 includes a full set of approved plans with full planning permission for construction.This approval process includes an Architect, Surveyor and Public health site inspection. The build is normally completed in 90 working days after planning,with the correct logistics. If you wish us to oversee your house building (recommended) then we charge 10% of the build price.We are not the builders but will act as your agent during the building process.

The terms are (1)$20,000 at the application for planning for permission stage...this allows for ordering and purchase of basic materials.(2) $12,500 at roof completion stage.(3) $5,000 at day 60. (4)$2500 at completion. If we are providing supervision then $2000 at (1), $1000 at (3) $950 at (4)

The price includes a septic sanitation system.

Other customised packages would be available,if you require a larger house,whereby we provide either (A) a list of suppliers,tradesmen,our Architect etc for your house project under your supervision. or (B)our services,for a 10% of build price fee.


This unique price offer of $39,500 is available to purchasers of lots at Discovery Bay before 01 Dec 2006 . Full details of the lots available and prices are contained within this website. This price will be held for up to 3 years from your purchase date.

STOP PRESS.......We have a new development in the mountain area of and land from only $49,500 click here .....BOQUETE


PHOTO GALLERY of 25 blue text              

otherwise utilities below


We are installing Wireless Internet on the property.This will be offered to all residents that require it.


Power is provided by communal electricity generators, we have found a low rev diesel generator producing some 15 kw of electricity.As they are low rev they are also low noise.They produce 3 to 4 hours of electricity from 1 gallon of diesel.The whole setup is  $6,200 (a one off payment) per household including backup.They are watercooled and have a 55 gallon fuel drum.A battery bank is maintained per house providing 110v via an inverter...The batteries are charged daily by running the generators from 4-30pm to 8-30pm. Similar to a Solar system.



Propane(LPG) gas is widely available (including delivery!!) the local choice for cooking......they even have gas lights and refrigerators!


Water catchment the popular local choice,normally producing adequate water levels.This is filtered for drinking purposes.


This is via a septic tank system allowing leech field dissapation. 


We are within range of the Cable and Wireless and Bell South telephone services


We are within the footprint of satellite  TV with some 30 channels including your old favourites.Plus there are 5 "transmitted" spanish language  channels